Joe Biden plays the game well and does not let himself go easily.

 Except for the method, the courageous Joe Biden follows in the footsteps of Donald Trump, with China.

 If Sino-American relations deteriorated markedly under the presidency of Donald Trump, the meeting between the new American Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Chinese counterpart should not defuse tensions. As under the old administration, Joe Biden's team closely links strategy vis-à-vis China to US domestic policy.

 With China, Joe Biden is following in Donald Trump's footsteps, except for the method.

 If Sino-American relations deteriorated markedly under the presidency of Donald Trump, the meeting between the new American Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Chinese counterpart should not defuse tensions. As under the old administration, Joe Biden's team closely links strategy vis-à-vis China to US domestic policy.

 Americans and Chinese gathered around the same table. The tete-a-tete was expected. This is the first major meeting between the top two economic powers since Joe Biden took office. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan are due to exchange Thursday (March 18) with the top Communist Party of China (CPC) official for diplomacy Yang Jiechi and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

 The meeting takes place in a context of strong bilateral tensions between Beijing and Washington on several points, among

 France 24 - Info, news & actualities - Live international information

 With China, Joe Biden is following in Donald Trump's footsteps, except for the method.

 The Chinese flag on a New York street, in the Chinatown district.

 If Sino-American relations deteriorated markedly under the presidency of Donald Trump, the meeting between the new American Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Chinese counterpart should not defuse tensions. As under the old administration, Joe Biden's team closely links strategy vis-à-vis China to US domestic policy.

 Americans and Chinese gathered around the same table. The tete-a-tete was expected. This is the first major meeting between the top two economic powers since Joe Biden took office. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan are due to exchange Thursday (March 18) with the top Communist Party of China (CPC) official for diplomacy Yang Jiechi and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

 The meeting comes against a backdrop of strong bilateral tensions between Beijing and Washington on several points, including the situation in Hong Kong, human rights, technological rivalry and espionage, or the treatment of the Uyghur minority in Xinjiang.

 A few hours before the big meeting, Beijing assured that "all subjects will be put on the table", while warning that it "will not make any compromise on matters concerning its sovereignty, its security and interests ".

 Touring Asia since Tuesday, Antony Blinken has shown his firmness against Beijing, showering hopes of a

 For Maya Kandel, a specialist in the United States and associate researcher at the University of Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, the United States under the Biden era fully intend to provide itself with the means to win the competition in which it is engaged with China. In this, the foreign policy of the new American president is in the direct line of that of Donald Trump, referring to issues of American domestic policy. But the method differs.

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