Washington ready to discuss missile positioning and military exercises with Moscow.


 The United States is ready to discuss the missile devices and military exercises of the two countries with Russia in talks that could begin as early as Sunday evening in Geneva, a senior White House official said on Saturday.

 US and Russian diplomats are meeting in Switzerland to try to defuse tensions around Ukraine, as the US and Europeans accuse Moscow of plotting another invasion of Ukraine.

 "There are some areas [...] where we think it might be possible to make progress," provided any promise is "reciprocal," the source said, giving some details during a briefing.  conference call.

 “Russia has said it feels threatened by the prospect of positioning offensive missile systems in Ukraine.  [...] The United States has no intention of doing this.  This is an area where we could find an agreement if Russia agrees to make a reciprocal commitment, ”said the senior official, who requested anonymity.

 Moscow "has also expressed interest in discussing the future of certain missile systems in Europe, according to the principles of the INF Treaty [Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces]" and "we are open to a discussion" on this subject, he said.  the senior official.

 Finally, Washington is ready to discuss "the possibility of reciprocal restrictions on the size and scope" of military exercises conducted by Russia as well as the United States and NATO, the source said.

 "We will not know until we start these conversations tomorrow evening whether Russia is prepared to discuss seriously and in good faith", he warned, adding that the Russians and the Americans "would probably have a first conversation on Sunday evening",  before holding their "main meeting Monday" in Switzerland.

 US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman is due to meet with Russian counterpart Sergei Riabkov on Sunday evening, according to a State Department spokesperson.

 "We approach these discussions with realism, not with optimism," the source added, indicating that they would be "exploratory" and would not lead to firm promises.

 “I wouldn't be surprised if the Russian media would start reporting, perhaps even while the talks are taking place, that the United States has made all kinds of concessions to Russia.  This is a deliberate attempt to divide allies, in part by manipulating you, ”he told reporters on his conference call.

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