We are all "Rayane".


 With Rayane, a united Morocco, for good and against the worst is being born. As in the great moments of exaltation, which have crossed the history of our country, the rescue operation of little Rayane, engulfed in a well in Chefchaouen, gives us the measure of the challenge that we take up when necessary. Without sacrificing exaggeration or giving in to misplaced triumphalism, the Kingdom of Morocco shudders, mobilizes to save this barely 5-year-old boy who has become the symbol of a unity never achieved or known for a long time.

 Seldom will to go beyond ourselves, to go beyond our capacities, to dive – it is the case to say it – in the pits of the unknown, in all that constitutes the base , the abyssal probes of hope and life, will have been expressed. Morocco is mobilized beyond itself and the challenge inspires the noblest and strongest feeling of solidarity that each of us, whatever their rank, status, social category, existential criterion and his reason for living.

 We are seized on the spot by a reality which suddenly grabbed us by the throat and grabbed one of our sons! The unsuspected drama which, enclosing our child in a formidable trap, almost encloses us in the absurd. Morocco, headed by His Majesty the King, stood up as one to embark on the magnificent rescue operation to which the whole world pays vibrant tribute. The Moroccan people, in its limpid and spontaneous totality, through all the possible channels, and all the means of expression joined the efforts of the public authorities and the teams of volunteers to bring their irrefutable support to this new national cause where , once again, solidarity will have been the essential and unique vector.

 We are forced to become aware of this new intangible reality of effective solidarity, unfailing commitment and civic love for our people. Security forces, police and gendarmerie, auxiliary forces, firefighters, law enforcement officers, civil society, populations and volunteers have been struggling for a few days, digging in an admirable momentum and the soil and this resistant content of a destiny...

 Here is a 5-year-old child, who has become an intimate part, a piece of our flesh and – certainly a national destiny – who brings us together in a municipality like no other, causing the residual egoism buried in the soul to bend somewhere. of a few creatures…Here is a child who makes us a responsible and patriotic nation, here is our child, because we are all Rayane…

 The heart panting, the breath cut, our prayers do not stop. Let us trust all those who, each at their own level, deploy human efforts, technologies and know-how to deliver it, saying halt and shame to the tireless givers of lessons...

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