Five tips to avoid travel insurance problems


In Canada, your provincial health insurance plan covers your medical and hospital costs. However, when you travel outside the country, or even to another province, the coverage offered by your provincial plan is often limited and only a fraction of the expenses incurred may be covered. The good news is that travel health insurance can cover the difference.

Many travelers go on a trip in the mistaken belief that their travel insurance policy will cover unforeseen medical expenses. Yet many policies do not cover pre-existing conditions or impose certain restrictions; it is therefore important to be aware of these restrictions before you go.

Here are some tips to avoid problems while traveling:

1. Read the insurance policy carefully and review the coverage before departure

It may sound obvious, but it's important to understand that travel insurance is not a comprehensive medical insurance plan. In many ways, travel insurance is more of a contingency plan; holidaymakers should therefore examine their insurance policy to see if it contains any eligibility conditions.

Most insurance policies have limits and restrictions, and it's important to be aware of them. For example, for how many days is your insurance valid? Do you have to limit yourself to stays no longer than 14 days? Are there any other limitations, such as age restrictions, that affect your family?

It's a good idea to review what coverage you and your family already have, whether it's a group plan at work or credit card protection, and be aware of any limitations on these. diets.

Check if your insurer provides direct payment or cash advances, or if you have to pay the hospital directly to be reimbursed later. This is an important detail that is too often overlooked.

If you need to make a claim as a result of a medical condition or incident, be sure to keep copies of all documents. It will be much easier for you to settle the claim if you have all the information that the insurer requires.

2. Be honest

One of the main reasons why claims are rejected is because people have not completed their medical questionnaire accurately. Travelers must disclose all medical conditions; if you have any doubts, seek the help of a medical professional.

In addition, some insurance policies require a "stability period", which means that if your or your child's medical condition has changed in any way, including a change in medication, since you purchased said policy, you must notify the insurer; otherwise, you may have issues with coverage.

3. Not all out-of-province health expenses are covered.

For travel within Canada, there is an interprovincial agreement that provides you with coverage. Quebec is a signatory to the agreement, but only hospital costs are covered under this agreement. Residents of Quebec who travel outside the province should therefore check what their provincial health insurance plan provides to know the limits. Although many medical services are covered across Canada, some emergency expenses are not.

For example, the cost of ground ambulance transportation can be a few hundred dollars, but if you need to be airlifted with a medical team from a location outside of Montreal, the costs can skyrocket. Although accidents that require such medical attention are rare, they do happen, and it is important to be prepared for the unexpected.

4. Insurance for stays in the United States? Don't leave without it!

Insurance for stays in the United States? Don't leave without it!

Crossing the border into the United States, even for a single day, can be expensive in the event of a medical emergency. However, many people do not think of taking out insurance to make a quick jump to our neighbors to the south. Besides the human tragedy, the financial implications of a health emergency across the border can be devastating for a family.

Although most provinces pay between $75 and $400 per day for a hospital stay, this is a relatively small reimbursement compared to the total cost. Plan ahead and get travel insurance, even for a short stay in the United States.

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