10 tips to learn English faster

 English is fun to learn (here are the nine reasons why it's a really great language) and, although some consider it within everyone's reach and relatively easy, with its 750,000 words and its spelling capable of confusing even most gifted student, learning English quickly can sometimes seem impossible. That said, I'm here to prove to you that this is not the case, as long as you have the right strategy.

Start by following these 10 tips on how to learn English faster and you'll be mastering this wonderful language in no time!

1. Read everything that comes to hand

 Classic literature, paperbacks, newspapers, websites, emails, your social media feeds, cereal boxes: if they're written in English, read them. Why ? Well, these contents will be full of new earthy vocabulary words, in addition to all of the ones you already know. This will help you progress quickly, as repeated exposure to a known word will illustrate other examples in new contexts, thus reinforcing those words in your mind. On the other hand, learning new expressions and words is essential to building your terminological arsenal, especially in a language like English which includes so many words! However, don't just read and move on – then you'll have to…

 2. Actively Take Note of New Vocabulary Words

 It is not without reason that this advice is a great classic: it is effective! Sometimes, in the course of our learning, we appreciate a new expression so much that forgetting it seems impossible. But believe us, we don't remember every word the first time. To remedy this, get into the habit of having a great laptop or using a tool like Evernote. Thus, each time you hear or read a new word or expression, take care to note it in context: that is, by writing the entire sentence and specifying its meaning. This saves time, without having to re-examine that term and ask yourself, "what does this word (expression) mean again?" »

 3. Speak with authentic native speakers

 What is a language for, if not to communicate? Of course, we humans have become experts in the art of communicating without opening our mouths, thank you WhatsApp! But, when the time comes, it is undeniable that speaking a language makes it possible to memorize it much better than simply reading or writing it. Just remember how many times you have heard people say “I understand English, but I cannot speak it. For a large number of people who would dream of mastering English, language has become a huge, insurmountable barrier that only serves to lower their ego. Don't imitate them. Look for native speakers to increase informal language exchanges, sign up for a course or take lessons online.

4. Subscribe to podcasts or YouTube channels

 Do you like humor, politics, blogs, cooking? With themes covering all possible and imaginable centers of interest, there is bound to be a podcast or an English-speaking Youtube channel made for you. Subscribe to a few of them and listen to them in your car or watch them on the way to school or work, on public transport. You might find the different local accents difficult to grasp at first, but be persistent and you'll soon start to understand what you're hearing (plus learning lots of new vocabulary words from your native-speaker friends!)

 5. Go abroad

 If there's a better way to learn English than soaking it all up while living and studying in an English-speaking country, we'd love to know about it! It's no secret that English is the most widely spoken language in the world and with such an impressive list of English-speaking countries, you'll be spoiled for choice when selecting your ideal learning environment, depending on the hemisphere, the weather or your favorite city. Think Australia, New Zealand, UK, USA, Canada and South Africa, to name but a few!

 6. Use friends

 Do you have friends who post online in English? Don't hide their posts in your RSS feed: browse the posts they share and commit to exploring one or two a day. They can be press releases or magazine articles, videos, conversations, blogs, songs or any type of theme: as long as they are written in English and the subject covered interested, it will help you!

7. Ask as many questions as possible

 Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it also propels the learner toward language fluency! As you learn English, you will soon be faced with a mountain of questions. Don't sit on your doubts – be curious and dispel them! If you're enrolled in a class, ask your teacher (it's part of their job, after all). But, if you're studying on your own, don't worry: look for answers on blogs or language sites, ask other learners, or browse forums. You will not regret it !

 8. Take inspiration from the stars

 Diversify your learning by choosing an English-speaking actor or singer you like. Then, rush on the Internet in search of the many interviews he was able to give, then watch them! Look at them for the first time to get the gist of them – again, take the time to write down the expressions and terms that you find interesting. The slang words, stories, satirical formulas and anecdotes from these interviews are sure to greatly enrich your vocabulary!

9. Start with the bare essentials

 Your level of English will progress much faster, constantly keeping in mind your motivation to want to learn. Are you participating in an exchange program? Focus on the vocabulary related to your studies. Are you attending a conference abroad? Instead, brush up on your knowledge of terms for engaging in conversation with other attendees. Are you planning to take a sabbatical year? The vocabulary related to travel and tourism will then be your best guide. If you just jump into studying English hoping to learn anything and everything the first time, like magic, you may be confused and demoralized. Which brings us to…

 10. Don't be discouraged

 If you feel like you're not making progress – which happens to all learners at some point – don't say, "I don't speak English" or "I'll never understand this". In fact, ban these phrases from your vocabulary! They only blur your perception of the progress you are making and convince you that your dream of speaking good English is impossible. Instead, say: "I'm learning English and I'm improving day by day", "it's not always easy, but it's worth it", "I'm doing so well better than six months ago” and other expressions to remind you of the overall situation.

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