5 natural solutions against hair loss

 For some time you have noticed that there was more and more hair left on your brush, that in the morning when you wake up a significant amount of hair has taken up residence on your pillow? The diagnosis is clear: you are losing your hair abnormally. 

Excessive hair loss can have several causes: hormones, stress, aging, fragile hair, nutritional deficiencies... Myriam Zlotnik, naturopath and sophrologist, explains these disorders to us and shares her advice on how to limit excessive hair loss.

 Tip #1: Stimulate hair growth with plants.


  It is one of the most recommended herbs for hair growth. It also prevents the premature appearance of white hair. Rinsing your head daily with rosemary water revives the color of dark hair and gives it volume.

 Field Horsetail. Horsetail is rich in silicon, an essential nutrient for strengthening hair. Organic silicon hydrates and promotes elasticity and capillary resistance. Thus, being more resistant, the hair breaks less.


 This herb prevents hair loss and dandruff problems. Their high content of vitamins (B, C and E) reduces the harmful effects of free radicals. It also inhibits the excessive production of fats and stimulates the circulation of hair tissue providing shine and strength. Thanks to its cleansing action, it tones the hair fibres, which also helps to oxygenate the scalp.

 The curry.

 Its essential and protein oils nourish and invigorate hair tissue damaged by damage caused by the use of commercial products, overexposure to the sun and pollution. Curry is high in beta-carotene, a nutrient that reduces hair loss and stimulates hair growth. Ideal for stopping the appearance of premature white hair. It promotes the production of melanin, which coats each hair fiber with natural pigments, vitamins and minerals such as copper, iron or zinc.


  It stimulates blood circulation in the hair follicles, which promotes abundant, hydrated hair with unparalleled shine. The antiseptic properties of cinnamon prevent scalp diseases while eliminating bacteria and other microorganisms that promote hair loss. It is also used to naturally lighten brown hair.

 To accelerate the growth process you can perform massages with oils, such as coconut oil (one of the only ones that can penetrate the scalp) and castor oil, known for its positive effects on the growth of skin appendages (nails & hair). There is nothing like scalp massages to stimulate blood circulation. With your fingertips, make small circular movements on your skull. There are also natural remedies based on herbs and spices that provide nutrients to the hair roots and, as a result, optimize their growth.

 Tip #2: Eat well

 External care is important to prevent hair loss but for optimal results it is also important to act from the inside by choosing foods rich in omega 3, protein, iron, zinc and silicon. We will never stop saying it enough, the health of the hair depends above all on a good diet, varied, balanced, associated with a healthy lifestyle. Among the foods promoting the good health of your hair, we can therefore cite: oily fish (sardines, herring, mackerel, anchovies, etc.), wholemeal bread, eggs, lentils, raw or gently steamed broccoli, the red pepper. Foods rich in zinc also: pumpkin seeds, fresh oysters, Brazil nuts, organic eggs… Just like zinc, silicon is essential. Good dietary sources of silicon include cucumber, mango, green leafy vegetables, beans, celery, strawberries, and asparagus.

 Tip n°3: Fortify the hair with vegetable oils

 What is important to understand is that hair is like us: sometimes it is hungry, sometimes it is thirsty! Nourishing and moisturizing are therefore two different gestures that must be respected for healthy hair. To nourish, we use fats such as vegetable oils and butters. Oils (coconut, avocado, castor) and mango or shea butters are effective in nourishing lengths and ends. Do not be afraid to take oil baths, the trick is to know what dose to apply so as not to saturate the hair and to be able to rinse it well. To moisturize, we will use very accessible products such as Aloe Vera gel on the tips in the evening. When the hair is split, there is no magic product to restore it. The solution ? Cut the damaged tips!

 Coconut oil deeply nourishes the hair. It is an ideal oil to deal with the lack of natural oils linked to daily exposure to toxins and commercial shampoos.

 Olive oil contains antioxidants that help fight hair loss.

 Castor oil contains nutrients that nourish and strengthen hair for healthy, fast growth. It also contains ricinoleic acid, which acts as an antibacterial and antifungal agent, ideal for preventing infections or fungal infections on the scalp. To be used all over the scalp in circular massages in the evening and leave to act overnight.

 Jojoba oil does not penetrate the hair, however, it "seals" the hair follicle and locks in moisture to prevent dryness and sebum blockage at the root. It is worth adding a dose (⅛) of jojoba oil to the shampoo.

 Rosemary oil is the best oil to promote hair growth. It dilates blood vessels and stimulates cell division, which promotes the growth of hair follicles.

 Thanks to its high content of healthy fatty acids and vitamins, avocado oil is one of the best products for the care and healthy growth of hair. Avocado contains vitamin A, vitamin B6 and vitamin E, which nourish, repair and improve hair health. In addition, it is rich in antioxidants, which increase blood flow to hair follicles, thereby stimulating hair growth.

 Tip #4: Use essential oils

 Using essential oils will always be beneficial for having a purified scalp, well-activated blood circulation, healthy hair and volume. Those of rosemary, ylang ylang, & lemongrass strengthen the hair. Those of Atlas cedar, cypress, saro, or grapefruit act against hair loss.

 In practice, add them to your washing base (4 drops). Mix in the palm of your hand and wash your scalp by massaging with your fingertips. Leave on for 2 to 3 minutes before rinsing. At best: prepare your mixture of essential oils in advance, and put it in a small amber glass bottle away from light.

 Anti-hair loss recipe:

 2 tsp castor oil

 3 teaspoons of nigella oil

 3 drops of true lavender essential oil (lavandula angustifolia)

 3 drops of rosemary essential oil (rosmarinus officinalis cineole)

 1 drop cedar, cypress, juniper or bay saint thomas essential oil

 Add 4 drops of the mixture in a dose of shampoo. Apply line by line with a dropper bottle to the hairline. Leave on for 30' or overnight before shampooing 2/3 times a week.

 To know ! Before starting with essential oils, do an allergy test 24 hours before in the crook of the elbow: 1 drop of essential oil mixed with a little sweet almond vegetable oil for example. If you don't see any reaction, you can use it on your hair.

 For pregnant or breastfeeding women, and children under 12: the use of essential oils is strongly discouraged. Ask a professional for advice.

 Most important: Be patient. Hair is a reflection of our health and it takes time to regain beautiful hair.

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