5 plants for gentle healing.

 Colds, bronchitis, rhinitis, gastroenteritis, without forgetting of course the dreaded flu... The diseases are numerous and attack hard in the heart of winter! Before taking out the heavy artillery to fight against germs, here are some plants with medicinal properties that can treat you gently or soothe the undesirable effects of viruses...

 Sage, chamomile, thyme, echinacea and elderberry are grown mainly in gardens, but it is also possible to grow them in pots on balconies... What are the natural virtues of these plants to fight against the evils of the winter ?

 Sage, an aromatic anti-inflammatory plant

 Famous since Antiquity, sage is the medicinal plant par excellence! As proof, its scientific name "salvia" is derived from the Latin "salvare"

 which means "save", in the sense of "cure". It is grown mainly in the south of France, but resists very well to planting on a balcony according to the four seasons. Particularly long-lived, it has many virtues...

 During the winter, its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties will help fight against sore throats and disinfect the mouth. You can infuse a few dried leaves (1 to 3 g for 150 ml of water) for 10 minutes and drink this preparation 3 times a day. Sage can also be used as a gargle.

 To perfectly clear the ENT sphere, in the case of rhinitis in particular, it is recommended to inhale it. Put a few dried leaves in boiling water, then pour everything into a bowl. Lay a towel over your head to completely cover the container and breathe in the steam for 5-10 minutes.

 “Who has sage in his garden does not need a doctor! goes the popular expression. Be careful, however, not to make it a prolonged cure and to avoid it formally in case of pregnancy!

 Chamomile: powerful virtues against gastroenteritis

 Also discovered in Antiquity, chamomile is recognized for its many properties and used in pharmacopoeia in many countries. It often evokes mild shampoos for blond hair, but it is a particularly effective natural remedy against many ailments.

 Antispasmodic, German chamomile is renowned for calming digestive disorders and relieving gastroenteritis that rages in winter. The remedy: infuse a tablespoon of dried flowers in 150 ml of boiling water, to drink 3 times a day after the meal. Infusion or gargling, all means are good! Its soothing virtues will also make it an ally of choice to fight against flu symptoms, such as sore throats. In the case of inflammation of the respiratory tract, the WHO recognizes the medicinal use of chamomile inhalations. 3g of dried flowers for 150ml of boiling water, and here is your ready-to-use preparation!

 Antibacterial, chamomile can be used as an infusion once a day as a preventive treatment before a period of extreme cold. Because as the saying goes: “Prevention is better than cure”! Easy to grow and aesthetic, it really has its place on a balcony or in a garden...

 Thyme: effective scents against cough

 With its melodious name, its characteristic smell of Provence and its hundred species, thyme is one of the most widespread and appreciated aromatic plants in the kitchen. A star ingredient for spicing up fish and meat, it is also very useful as a natural remedy against winter infections... With it, bronchitis, colds or the flu will be just a bad memory!

 Inhaled with 2 tablespoons in a bowl of boiling water, it will be effective in decongesting the sinuses and evacuating toxins.

 In order to relieve the cough caused by bronchitis, it is recommended to drink herbal tea 3 times a day in which 2g of dried leaves are infused in boiling water for 5 minutes. Source of vitamin C, fresh thyme is a protective agent that contributes to good bone health. Particularly hardy, this plant can be grown in the garden or on a balcony all year round.

 Echinacea: a strengthening of the immune defenses

 Originally from North America, this rustic and colorful plant has been on the rise for a few years... With the great return of natural medicine, its many therapeutic virtues are widely acclaimed. Native Americans already used it to heal respiratory tract infections and clean wounds. Echinacea, which has the particularity of acting on the entire immune system, is a formidable weapon to prevent or fight the slightest virus lying around. Bronchitis, pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis will not be more successful than the common cold or the flu, as it is a valuable protection against infections of viral or bacterial origin. It is advisable to take it at the first symptoms or in prevention when you go into a contaminated environment. The recipe: infuse 1g of dried roots in boiling water and drink a maximum of 6 times a day. Its assets being powerful, echinacea must be used with precaution and in the form of a cure. Its use should never exceed 8 weeks in a row!

 Black elderberry, natural remedy against the flu

 Body aches, fever, chills, fatigue and cough... As soon as the first flu symptoms appear, it's good to have an elderberry handy! Used since Antiquity, this shrub, which grows wild in the countryside, is an effective way to fight against flu and colds. It is mainly its pretty white star-shaped flowers that hold powerful antiviral active ingredients. By drying them and infusing them into herbal tea, they reduce the effects and duration of the flu virus if we intervene quickly. To do this, just drink your herbal tea several times a day for the first two days. A Norwegian study dating from 2004 also demonstrates the effectiveness of syrup made from black elderberries.

 In addition to alleviating flu symptoms, elderflowers promote sweating, eliminate toxins and help bring down fever. What useful benefits to preserve your health in winter!

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